Thursday, July 20, 2017

JFK & Marilyn

DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL BLAH BLAH BLAH IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED BLAH BLAH BLAH. No but seriously, this post is going to talk about murder, including sensitive videos. If this bothers you, this isn’t the post for you.

So this is going to be a longer post that my normal ones. There is a lot of information that goes behind this incident. Plus, I am not talking about one, but three murders. I am going to be specifically talking about my thoughts and my theory. Feel free to leave your theory in the comments below.
I am going to start with Marilyn, seeing as she was the first to go. Marilyn spent most of her childhood in and out of foster homes. She married her first husband (James Dougherty) when she was sixteen years old. They later divorced and she married two other times before her demise. It was publicly known that she struggled with depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. There is a lot more information on her childhood and life, but we’re not here to talk solely about Marilyn, are we? Feel free to research her yourself. It is also well known that Marilyn was very close to the Kennedy family. Though it was never confirmed, it is believed that Marilyn had affairs with both of the Kennedy brothers. (JFK and Robert)

Marilyn was found dead in her bedroom by her psychiatrist. It was said that Monroe died between 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. and the toxicology report said that the cause of death was barbiturate poisoning. There were empty pill bottles next to her bed that would have contained all of the medication she had supposedly taken. Just pill water glass. It is also said that the men who came to take her body, claimed the body looked fake. (can’t find much info on this) Her death was ruled as a suicide. Now the thing is, all of these medications were not found in her stomach or bloodstream -they were found in her liver. With the amount of medications she "took" this is unlikely. My personal thoughts on this are different, but I will get into that later.

Before I do, let’s talk about JFK. I don't think I should need to go into much of his background. He was our 35th president. He was assassinated. This was a BIG deal, and there is tons of information on it all over the internet. I'm mostly going to focus on his death. JFK was killed in Dallas at 12:30pm. He was shot once in the back, the bullet exiting his throat, and then once again in the head. There were three shots fired total. These three shots happened within 6 seconds. Warning: The video I’m linking below can be heartbreaking and quite graphic for some people. It is the famous video of JFK's assassination. Please do not watch if you are easily bothered by violence and gore.

Let’s just look at all of the details around JFK's death; point out the ones that stand out. It was ruled that JFK was shot from behind. He was shot with a 6.5×52mm Carcano Model 91/38 carbine with a telescopic sight. He was shot twice (three shots total) within six seconds. He was allegedly shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.

Now some background on Lee Harvey Oswald. Again, I think most things about him are already known. So I am going to go over the ones that stand out to me, and the ones that make me believe what I’m proposing to you. He was a US Marine; a marksmen. He was not arrested for killing JFK, but for killing a police officer 45 minutes after JFK was shot. His gun was found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. He was arrested inside of a movie theater.

I am not really going to go into Robert Kennedy's death either. There is plenty of information online, and I suggest you doing your own research. Now, let me put together all of the points I see, and my theory.

Let’s go back to Marilyn. Empty pill bottles, placed neatly on her bedside table? No water glass? Medications only found in her liver? I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound like a suicide to me: I believe she was murdered. Correct me if I’m wrong, but what I think happened is: she was knocked out with chloroform and these medications were given to her while she was unconscious. No, I do not mean through her mouth. I mean no disrespect to Marilyn, his is just my personal belief. How else would it have found it’s way into her liver, yet not be in the rest of her body?

With JFK I listed all of the points above. My thoughts? The gun that was supposedly used to shoot JFK was a single shot. Which means you load the gun one bullet at a time. How was he shot twice (in a moving vehicle,three shots total) in a matter of six seconds, with a single shot gun? He was supposedly shot from behind, yet in the video of his assassination, his head goes back, which is physically impossible if he were shot from behind.

My conspiracy theory? I believe Marilyn, JFK, and Robert were all murdered by the government. My reasoning? Marilyn knew too much information that she would have obtained through JFK and Robert through her steamy love affairs. So JFK and Robert could have been murdered for sharing the information with her. It’s either that or there’s something the Government has gone through a lot of trouble to hide from the public: something that JFK and Robert had told Marilyn about, something that she might have threatened to spread.

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments and let me know what you want me to talk about next.